
Lake Michigan Sport Fishing Port Of Algoma, WI
Fishin' Season
MAY - The early season offers typical limit catches of Lake Trout ranging anywhere from six to 25 pounds. Some of the largest Lakers are taken during May. It's definitely trophy potential time! Brown Trout are also available.

JUNE - Salmon fishing is underway with mixed bag catches of Steelhead and Lake Trout as well.

JULY - Excellent time for King Salmon. July offers the best chances at a mixed bag of all sizes of sportfish.

AUGUST - Late summer offers a mixed catch of Trout and Salmon. During August, we target Chinook Salmon since they're at their peak weight. Expect many Salmon in the 10 to 25 pound range, with an occasional brute tipping the scales over 30 pounds.

SEPTEMBER - In early fall, spawning-minded adult Salmon and Brown Trout stage near the harbor mouth. If you're after trophy sized-salmon, book a trip for these reel-peelers. Steelhead, Coho, and five to 18 pound Chinook are available a few miles offshore.